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What is Tip Goal chat mode?

A Domin8trix model is able to use Tip Goal mode on their live video Broadcast page and If the goal is not reached, the collected funds are returned to the customers’ accounts.

Please remember that if the goal is not reached, the full collected funds are returned to the customers’ accounts as the tip goal has not been achieved.

It is possible to set up the goal amount, minimum tip amount and time to collect it. Lock for non-tippers setting locks the chat room for the users who haven’t made a tip once the goal is reached.

From a customer’s point of view the Tip Goal looks the following way:

Customers are able to see the goal progress, minimum tip amount and time limit.

Once the time limit is close to the end, the Domin8trix model is able to extend the Tip Goal chat time, get back to the Free chat or clear timer:

If the goal is not reached, the collected funds are returned/refunded to the customers’ accounts.

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