A Dom/Domme’s Role in a D/S Relationship

[ad_1] At the core of any sound D/s relationship, whether you live it merely behind closed doors or as a 24/7-lifestyle choice, lies one thing, without which, the dynamic would cease to exist. And that is trust. It is such a simple word, with a world of implications...

What Is Erotic Power Exchange?

[ad_1] Erotic power exchange is any situation where partners, of their own free will and choice, actively and willfully incorporate the power element in their lovemaking (and usually for a great deal in their relationship). Erotic power exchange is best known as...

BDSM – Purity Versus Corruption

[ad_1] It can safely be assumed, that if you are reading this, you have an interest in BDSM to some extent. Whether you are a seasoned veteran to the needs, wants and compulsions of the D/s lifestyle, or a newbie to the fulfilling and life-altering experiences that...

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