What Is Dark Tantra?



Many of you have read some of the popular best selling books of an erotic nature. Many of the story lines invite you to imagine walking on the wilder side of sex. Perhaps you’ve found yourself curious to try new activities in your own bedroom with your partner. But what is dark tantra compared to what we know most about tantra? Dark Tantric sex is built on the foundation of breath work, connecting with your lover through deliberate and exploratory touch, and eye to eye soul gazing. Once you begin moving into the “darker” areas like bondage, sensory play, sensation play, fetishes and other sadomasochistic dynamics in a space that’s both sacred and safe, energy also flows.

The true definition of Dark Tantra is one that becomes a blended marriage between the world of BDSM and Tantra. This union creates the perfect combination of the forbidden and bliss.

Yin and yang energy is about the exchange between female and masculine energy. Yin is the feminine aspect and yang is the masculine aspect. Total harmony comes from these two energies meeting and interacting with each other. The very core of dominance and submission is the essential blending of yin and yang; of the feminine and the masculine. Dark tantra honors both of these parts of ourselves without shame, fear or a lack of true intimacy.

Any sexual act that involves BDSM between two partners should not be empty of trust, understanding, compassion and of course love. Neither energy is inferior to the other. Respect also plays a key part in dark tantra.

A major aspect of erotic play is when each partner accesses the energy of either the giver or the receiver. For a good majority of people, this energy exchange can sometimes bring about underlying feelings of fear and shame. Tantra combined with BDSM can shed some light on popular misconceptions about this energy exchange, by educating you on the nature of yin and yang energy between partners in a way that’s both safe and sexy. Besides revving up your sex life, the true benefit of Dark Tantra lies in it’s ability to liberate you from everything from your own inhibitions, and getting rid of negative associations you’ve picked up from society which limit your enjoyment and total self expression. Allow your full erotic energy to blossom and grow in an act that honors all that you are and can be.



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